A delicious blast from the past. Twenty-one -year-old Anthonia Okogbenin was in the United States of America for the first time in her life. Her mission was to win the coveted title of Miss Universe.
Soon it was the 17th of May, 1991. A beautiful day for a parade of beauties. Seventy-three beautiful ladies from all over the world were ready to win the title at the fortieth edition of Miss Universe Pageant. The venue was, The Aladdin Theatre for Performing Arts, Nevada, United States of America.
Anthonia Okogbenin was a starry-eyed, student from at the University of Lagos. Her eyes were on the crown. She was there to make her country, family and friends proud of her.
They were.
That was thirty-two years ago. Today ladies and gentlemen, her daughter has taken up her pageant baton. A rare occurrence among ex-beauty queens in the African clime.
(To be concluded)